When it comes to pests, homeowners should be aware of the Top 10 most-common pests in Colorado. These pests can cause damage to a property, spread diseases, and make life uncomfortable for homeowners. Here is a list of the most common pests found in Colorado, along with information on how they can affect a property and cause harm:

Wasps and ground hornets – known for their aggressive behavior and painful stings, wasps can be a nuisance and can become dangerous if they nest near doorways or other areas where people congregate. Especially for those who may or may not be aware if they’re allergic, these pests can cause severe and sometimes life-threatening reactions.

Ants – these pests can be found both inside and outside of homes, and can cause damage to buildings by tunneling into wood and other structural materials. They also often are known for destroying lawns with their colonies. They may also contaminate food and surfaces, if they’re able to gain access to them.

Box elder bugs – attracted to the warmth of buildings and can often be found congregating on the south-facing walls of homes. They do not cause damage to buildings or spread diseases but they can be nuisance and can stain surfaces with their excrement.

Springtails – tiny insects that are often found in damp areas such as basements, crawl spaces, and bathrooms. They do not bite or spread diseases, but they can be a nuisance and can be difficult to control, often spreading throughout a home, if left untreated.

Roaches – known for their ability to thrive in a variety of environments and can be found in both residential and commercial properties. They can spread disease by contaminating food and surfaces, and their droppings can trigger allergies and asthma.

Mice and rats – these pests can cause damage to a property by gnawing on electrical wiring, insulation, and structural materials. They can also bring fleas, mites, and ticks into the home, which can spread disease. They’re also known to carry HPS (Hantavirus), Leptospirosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis, the plague, and typhus1, which can be extremely dangerous to humans and pets.

Japanese beetles – these insects can cause significant damage to plants and crops, and are often difficult to control, due to their proximity to fruit-bearing gardens.

Spiders – prevalent in Colorado, these arthropods can be found in a variety of environments, including homes, businesses, and outdoor spaces. They can be a nuisance, some species can inflict painful bites, and some are poisonous.

Wasps and ground hornets – known for their aggressive behavior and painful stings, wasps can be a nuisance and can become dangerous if they nest near doorways or other areas where people congregate. Especially for those who may or may not be aware if they’re allergic, these pests can cause severe and sometimes life-threatening reactions.

Ants – these pests can be found both inside and outside of homes, and can cause damage to buildings by tunneling into wood and other structural materials. They also often are known for destroying lawns with their colonies. They may also contaminate food and surfaces, if they’re able to gain access to them.

Box elder bugs – attracted to the warmth of buildings and can often be found congregating on the south-facing walls of homes. They do not cause damage to buildings or spread diseases but they can be nuisance and can stain surfaces with their excrement.

Springtails – tiny insects that are often found in damp areas such as basements, crawl spaces, and bathrooms. They do not bite or spread diseases, but they can be a nuisance and can be difficult to control, often spreading throughout a home, if left untreated.

Roaches – known for their ability to thrive in a variety of environments and can be found in both residential and commercial properties. They can spread disease by contaminating food and surfaces, and their droppings can trigger allergies and asthma.

Mice and rats – these pests can cause damage to a property by gnawing on electrical wiring, insulation, and structural materials. They can also bring fleas, mites, and ticks into the home, which can spread disease. They’re also known to carry HPS (Hantavirus), Leptospirosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis, the plague, and typhus1, which can be extremely dangerous to humans and pets.

Japanese beetles – these insects can cause significant damage to plants and crops, and are often difficult to control, due to their proximity to fruit-bearing gardens.

Spiders – prevalent in Colorado, these arthropods can be found in a variety of environments, including homes, businesses, and outdoor spaces. They can be a nuisance, some species can inflict painful bites, and some are poisonous.

To prevent pests from entering your home or property, it is important to take proactive measures such as keeping the area clean and free of debris, sealing cracks and crevices in the building, and eliminating sources of food and water. If you suspect a pest infestation, reach out to us here at OBEX for effective extermination and to ensure the safety of your home and family.